Make a single or monthly donation directly from your bank account, credit card, or Paypal.
Helping disadvantaged seniors with various services requires many hands. We've got many successes under our belt, but we need more help, and that's where you come in.
While you can volunteer with us directly, there's much you can do on your own. Contact us to learn more about opportunities and ideas for donating, fundraising, hosting events, buying gifts, and involving your school or company.
Can't spend a dime?
Then, spend some time... helping us help those in need.
Post it, tweet it, share it. The more people you tell, the more help we can receive.
The community is a menagerie of people from various cultures and backgrounds. We strive to be a source of strength, support, and encouragement to those we encounter. We are committed to reaching out and helping one another to love life and to live the life to the fullest.
Being a light
Most of us are fortunate enough to just turn on a faucet to access life’s most essential ingredient: clean water. But for some seniors, access to something so basic is difficult. When many of desire a clean shirt or pants we turn on the washing machine. However, there are homeless seniors who are wearing the same dirty clothing for weeks.
We need volunteers to assist us with our Service Monthly events. The event will feature the distribution of clothes, lunch and other resources to homeless seniors. Please click here to volunteer specifically for this event. If you would like to volunteer in other areas, please complete the form below.
Help make a difference
by feeding homeless
seniors and Veterans for a year
Empty stomachs hurt. They break concentration and make the future seem impossible. Having food to eat is essential in creating good health.